Today due to the icy conditions we are cancelling all classes. Hopefully this will be the last cancellation of the season! State al caldo e ci vediamo la prossima settimana!
Our intermediate students are developing some entrepreneurship skills by designing their own Italian restaurants (including name and menu and other details) with this activity at the Applauso Italian Learning Center. They kept the entire conversation in Italian! BRAVISSIMI!!
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. DAY! Did you know that Italy honors MLK Jr. with 8 streets named after him? After France, Italy has more streets named after MLK than any other nation in Europe! Can you tell which region in Italy has most MLK streets? See the cities in the picture below and answer in the comment if you like the challenge!
Lots of fun at the Applauso Italian Learning Center! We made Pizzelle and practice the new vocabulary on cloth! Una lezione molto divertente!!!
Today, January 7, Italy celebrates the anniversary of the Italian flag, il “tricolore” A symbol of Italian unity and pride (227 years old)! This is a recent holiday created back in 1996 and it takes place in REGGIO EMILIA!!! Viva l’Italia! I
Happy Befana Day to all: Today is the festa dell'Epifania, AUGURI a tutti i bambini buoni! Here is a classic Italian cartoon to watch today with your children and grandchildren (so you can all practice Italian together): It features the Befana and Babbo Natale: AUGURONI from the Applauso Italian Learning Center: |
AuthorDr. Nicolino Applauso Archives
January 2025
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